Happy New Year!

Happy new year!

2020 has certainly been a wild ride, so let's hope 2021 will be much better! I have been exploring the world of game development, and I have created a very mediocre app with Lua and Solar2D, which is available for Android devices. It's called BalloonTap, and you can download the APK file here. You need to enable installing apps from unknown sources, and you should be good to go!

I made it using this guide, but it's a very simple game, so don't expect much! I quite enjoyed making it, and I will be continuing with Solar2D to see what the future holds!

Python spambot

Hello again!

It's been a while, hasn't it. I recently created a spambot with Python, and you can find it on my GitHub page. There is a Python script that you can download and edit to your liking, or you can use the executable file that I have created and download the relevant text files in order for the program to work.

Happy spamming!

Pirate Speech Converter

Hello, everyone!

I have added a new page to the site, a pirate speech converter. Using this wonderful site, I have created a program that converts your message into its piratic equivalent. Check it out!

Guest Post from Zahra: wow!

this is very cool 😎

Learning to hack??

I'm really interested in programming, so one day I thought, "What if I could hack into stuff?" I found some tutorials for different elements of cybersecurity and other computer-related things, and I am now apparently on my way to becoming a "real-life hacker".

Don't worry, I won't try and use my skills for malicious purposes, I just want to learn how it works. Hmm, maybe this should be a recipe blog instead...